Present: Sheila Weightman (Chairman), John Redford (Vice-Chairman), Elaine Hughes (Actting Secretary), Joan Shore (Treasurer), Annette Greenwood, Arthur Emanuel, Cllr Daniel

Jellyman and Paul Capewell (Community Development Team)

Apologies: Sue Brookes, Lesley Gerhardt, Cllr Rachel Kelsall, Paul Mellor, Richard Rae and PCSO Scott Woodward

Matters Arising:

A map of the area covered by TRSA is to be displayed in the Learning Centre. Alongside that of Trentham Central RA.

Defibrillator for Oldacres Road

The Council are not able to accept the Oldacres Road defib.. as a community asset. Insurance costs are £79. The licence is to be signed pending AE’sapproach to Western Power to clarify the cover they have offered when granting the licence and to request insurance cover. TSRA will review its commitment to the project in five years. Thirty people from the community were recently trained on the use of the defib.

Council Correspondence –

David Stubbs (Highways Dept) has offered a digital speeding sign with data supplied to the RA. SW to liaise to ascertain when and for what frequency the sign would be available.

Severn Trent –

There are an extra 50 lorries per week on Barlaston Old Road. JR and SW met with Jack Brereton MP to agree that the RA organise a mass letter to ST including the golf course, Residents and Councillors in support of a new road. SW is to contact the MP to spearhead the project.

PCSO Report –

There was no report available.

Safer Neighbourhood Panels –

Plans to support the initiative, details are to be posted on the Trentham Residents’ Associations webpage (JR). EH to investigate the Trentham Local and TrenthamTalks.

Councillors’ Report –

BOR resurface. A £13 million bid from government to repair roads is pending this summer. If unsuccessful, other options are to be considered.

Planning applications – 1000 new houses in the ward including Meadow Lane, New Inn Lane ,Primrose Hill.

Rugby Club to remain on site.

New incinerator – could be built on the old site. A decision is due in three years but could take10 years to complete.

Replacement waste bins – there is a long waiting list.

Grass cutting – will not be as frequent as last year.

Brown bins – scheduled to be emptied from April to October, but currently still emptied in March.

Council Tax – to rise by 3.99%. Sixty percent of council tax is spent on social care which is equivalent to £400,000 per day.

Community Development Officer’s Report –

The National Spring Clean will take place between 20 March and Easter. TSRA have been asked to take part in a publicity campaign. RA decided to co-ordinate the litter pick with the Council clearing the gulley. SW to complete the necessary RiskAssessments. DJ to approach the Council to clear the gulley of garden refuse.

Community Investment Fund

£30/£40 million available for small projects eg. the green spaces on the estate as wild flower meadows. Any further projects contact DJ/PC.

E books – available on line via the Community Learning Centre.

The site of bin on the canal particularly for dog walkers has been agreed; paid for by the Canal River Trust and serviced by the Council, The TRSA logo was provided to be added to the sign.

Canal and River Trust –

A meeting with JR, SW and Beth Daviid of the CRT agreed a future programme of work on the canal. Two dangerous trees already felled. TSRA agreed to be designated as ‘Helping Hands’ with the CRT organising the work schedule incl. Risk assessments and insurance.

Rights of Way –

A new government stipulation that public rights of way must go through a formal adoption procedure by 2025 or be lost, eg footpath over the Golf Course, footpaths at the backof Trentham Gardens. Item to be raised at the TSRA AGM

Neighbourhood Plan –

Funding arrangements for 2020/21 to be announced; no progress until then. The revised

date for approval of the Stoke-on-Trent and Newcastle-under-Lyme Local Plan is deferred to Autumn 2021.

Treasurer’s Report –

No expenditure – balance £283.84 – Accounts to be audited at the AGM.


A social evening for TSRA at the Duke of York on 16 April 2020 (subject to Corona virus restrictions.

Jack Brereton has announced a meeting with the Residents of the Ward to discuss crime in the neighbourhood on 18 April at 7.00pm in the Trentham Academy (under review due to the Coronavirus restrictions).

Date of Next Meeting – The AGM. Date and venue pending. EH to locate venue.

One Thought to “Minutes of Trentham South Residents’ Association Committee Meeting held at Trentham Learning Centre (Trentham Academy) on Monday 9 March 2020”

  1. Elaine

    I have been sent details of this association by Barlaston R A. I pick litter every week in the area of barlaston old road, oaktree rd, longton road and back again. I am keen to find like minded people in trentham but also want to tackle the site around the railway bridge where the litter is appalling. What can i do? I am desperate to get on there but would need help. Thank you

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