Present: SW (Chair), SB (Secretary), AG, JR, EH, DG, RM, EB, Cllrs Jellyman, Kelsall and Clark and PCSO Stephen Sherratt
Apologies: AE, JS, M&HG, CE
Chair’s Report
SW said that the results of the environmental pollution monitoring on BOR had been sent to DEFRA. She had also approached the Resident Associations in Trentham Central and Hanford about the local Neighbourhood Plan (this should be completed within the next eighteen months) several times but had had no response. Together with AG, JS and RR, she had had a meeting with DJ and JB (MP) about STW’s application to build a road from Strongford to the A34 but STW was willing to do this only if planning applications were approved elsewhere in the City for commercial development on green belt land (!) which was a very controversial issue. SW had asked RR to contact Cameron Rose (the company who had initially estimated the cost of building this link road at about £330,000) for a present valuation. Apparently, STW had informed JB (MP) that there was not 24-hour per day working at Strongford which was untrue. SW said that there were still problems with overhanging branches impeding walking on pavements although the Council had recently been in contact.
MG and HG would be asked about updating their obstruction survey. She said that the tree stump on Albert Road still remained (DJ would look into its removal) and the Cat’s eyes had not been replaced on part of BOR.
EB said that the paving stones on thefootpath on Albert Road were cracked and broken as were some of the paving stones on Longton Road. DJ would pursue these matters.
He said that the BOD application had not been conditional on installing a cash point, so nothing could be done about its removal.
MG had sent an email saying that there were just three volunteers for the local Speedwatch and training had not yet gone ahead because of the poor weather. EB said that training for this, unfortunately, was taking place in Stafford.
Councillors’ Report
DJ discussed the “levelling up” which would be taking place in S-o-T in the next few years. There would be five hundred civil servant appointments available, some coming from the Home Office and some being filled by local people. S-o-T had an excellent location being only four hours drive from both Dover and Glasgow. (There is a colourful brochure available containing all the details of levelling up). Many of the old buildings were being converted into rental flats and houses with some social housing, although S-o-T had one of the largest quantities of social housing in the UK.
BP/Esso Lane
DG said that, despite S-o-T City Council claiming ownership, Persimmon Homes actually owned this, although the council owned the part from Longton Road as far as Lakeview Care Home, who had been really helpful with improvements on the lane. Some trees aligning this had been cut down illegally; they were being strangled by ivy and were dying but there were TPOs on them, so the City’s legal team was investigating this. DG said that Unitas had given a donation for planters and would like a publicity photograph when work started on developing the lane. DG would arrange for a plaque to be erected there in memory of Rita Baines, the World War II “attagirl “ pilot. He was waiting to hear from Persimmon’s legal department about transferring ownership of the lane. DG said that about thirty teenagers had been creating havoc on the lane on Saturday evening, drinking, smashing a bottle and trampling on flower beds and asked the PCSO to pursue the matter.
Police Report
Apparently, there had been drug dealing and drug taking on the canal towpath by Longton Road. PCSOs have already attended but PCSO SS said he would pursue this.
He said that there had been no further activity on the A34 layby, although if the miscreants were informed via the internet about a potential police appearance, they would disappear. PCSOs had agreed previously to contact STW about removing bushes on this layby. SB asked him to check whether this soliciting was also happening on the Monkey Farm carpark but he said that this was in the jurisdiction of Stone police. SW said that STW was cutting down the trees by the layby. As regards illegal parking outside the BOR Church and on yellow lines, he said that this was the responsibility of the itinerant traffic wardens.
Womblers’ Report
RM said that the next litterpick would be on Saturday 22nd April and volunteers should meet on the Toby Inn carpark at 10am. She had bags and DG said that he could supply more equipment, if needed. Trentham Academy had not contacted her about arranging a community garden on the school grounds.
Canal Trust
JR said that Beth Dawid of the CRT had supplied and erected signs on the tow path warning cyclists about speeding. On the weekend of 29th/30th July there would be canal traders selling cheese, beer and craft work on the canal between Longton Road and Burrington Drive. This had been advertised in the Waterways World magazine but needed publicity on our Facebook site. RM said that she would do this and would also update the Trentham Residents’ Associations’ website. DG said that he would put contributions on this, too. JR would negotiate with the Toby Inn about parking there during that weekend. DG suggested extending this by organising an “event” on the green land on the other side of the Burrington Drive bridge with bunting, amateur musicians, tombola etc in order to raise funds for solar panels for the Oldacres Road defibrillator and also to provide another defibrillator on the BP Lane,which might cost £3400, although DG said that he would fit this and SW said that VAT should not be payable, as it was for charitable purposes. Volunteers would be needed to help with this event in late July. (Please contact SB if you would like to help).
Treasurer’s Report
£574.61 (Defib) £336.80 (Neighbourhood Plan) £389.58 (BP Lane) £359.88 (TSRA incl. Stoke CC £100 grant) Total £1660.87