1. Name
The name of the Association is Trentham South Residents’ Association
2. Area
The area represented by the Association can be seen in Appendix 1 (full lists of
streets including map)
3. Aims
The aims of the Association shall be to unite residents in a common effort to:-
- Promote social activities for all members of the community and encourage a community spirit
- Monitor plans and developments which affect the local area
- Liaise with the city council and other bodies to represent residents’ interests to them
- Encourage investment into the area to increase community facilities
The Association is non party-political and shall not ally itself with any political party or group
4. Powers
The Association shall have the following powers:-
- Power to raise funds to further the aims of the Association
- To arrange events and activities for the benefit of residents in the area and to produce leaflets and other publicity material
- Power to consult residents by arranging meetings, surveys, newsletters, e-mail and the Web
- To work in conjunction with other voluntary or statutory organisations to further the aims of the Association
- To lease any property necessary for the achievement of the Association’s aims
- Power to arrange any insurance cover necessary against risks incurred by the Association and volunteers in the course of their duties
- Power to do all such lawful things as necessary for the achievement of the Association’s aims
- Power to use the Web to promote the aims of the Association and to disseminate information to residents
5. Membership
- Membership shall be open to all residents over the age of 16 regardless of tenure, nationality, political party, ethnic origin, disability, gender or religion
- All members have the right to vote at public meetings. The committee shall keep a list of all members attending public meetings
- Anybody living outside the area will not be eligible for membership. They may be invited to attend meetings but are not members and are not entitled to vote
- Elected members (Councillors) who live in the area may be members but may not be on the Committee. Council Officers may be on the Committee but must declare an interest and not take part in discussions relating to their area of work
- The Committee shall have the power by a two-thirds majority vote to expel any member who has acted against the interest of the Association, either permanently or for such a period as the Committee shall determine, provided that clear reasons are given in writing. There is a right of appeal to the Committee, within four weeks of expulsion, when a friend may also attend
6. Meetings
Annual General Meetings (AGMs)
- The Committee shall arrange an AGM to be held in the month of April or within fifteen months of the previous AGM
- The Secretary shall give at least 14 days’ notice in writing of an AGM to all members
- At the AGM the Committee shall report on its work, present a statement of accounts and resign
- The AGM shall elect a new Committee and vote on recommendations
- Any amendments to the Association’s constitution may be done at an Open Meeting
- Any changes to the constitution must be agreed by two-thirds of the members present at the meeting. A proposal for change must be made to the Secretary at least 14 days before the meeting
Other General Meetings (including Extraordinary General Meetings (EGMs))
Other meetings open to all members may be called:-
- By the current Chairman of the committee calling a General Meeting
- At the written request of at least 25% of the members of the Association
The Secretary shall arrange all General Meetings (including EGMs) within 4 weeks of being called and
publicise them at least 14 days in advance
7. The Committee
- Voting at all committee meetings shall be by simple majority. In the event of a tied vote the Chairman shall have the casting vote
- A committee shall be elected for one year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to carry out the business of the Association
The committee shall be made up of a Chairman, Vice Chair (optional), Secretary, Treasurer and up to 12 general members
- If vacancies occur between AGMs, the Committee can introduce or appoint new members as required
- No more than two members of one household shall be eligible to stand for election to the Committee
- Elected members (Councillors) who live in the area may be members but may not be on the Committee. Council Officers may be on the Committee but must declare an interest and not take part in discussions relating to their area of work
- The Committee shall meet no less than 4 times a year
- No Committee meeting shall take place if less than a third of the committee members are present
- If any member of the committee is absent for more than three consecutive Committee meetings without good reason (in the committee’s reasonable opinion) he or she may be asked by the Committee to resign
- Committee meetings shall be open to all members as observers
8. Conduct of meetings of the Association
- Voting at all meetings of the Association shall be by simple majority.
- In the event of a tied vote, the Chair shall have the casting vote
- The Secretary shall keep minutes and all correspondence concerning the affairs of the Association
- The Chair shall conduct all meetings of the Association. If he or she is absent, the Vice-Chair or a nominated committee member shall conduct the meeting
- The committee may invite non-members to attend all or any part of any meeting of the Association as observors or advisors, but they will not be entitled to vote
9. Finance
- The financial year shall run from the first day of the month following the Residents’ Association formation until the end of a twelve-month period
- Any money belonging to the Association shall be used only for the purposes of the Association
- No money shall be paid as profit to any member of the Association. However, this will not prevent the payment of reasonable out-of-pocket expenses to anyone carrying out the Association’s business
- A bank account shall be opened in the name of the Association. The Association shall appoint three signatories, with only one signatory per address. Each cheque should be signed by two signatories
- The Treasurer shall keep proper records of income and expenditure
- The accounts shall be checked by an independent person before being submitted to the AGM
10. Dissolution or Winding Up
- If the Committee decides that it is necessary to wind up the Association it shall call a special General Meeting of all members
- Members shall be given at least 14 days’ notice and details of the resolution to be discussed at the meeting
- A proposal to dissolve the Association shall take effect only if agreed by two-thirds of the members present at the meeting
- Funds and possessions shall be put to charitable purposes or to the benefit of any organisation that shares common aims with the Association. The decision shall be made by a majority vote at the special General Meeting according to the wishes of the participants at a special General Meeting
- The final account shall be checked and verified by an independent person
Signed in the month of May 2016 by
Sheila Weightman Chairman
Sue Brookes Secretary
Joan Shore Treasurer
Committee Members
John Redford (Vice Chair)
David Botham
Annette Greenwood
Peter Hayward