Present: John Redford (Vice Chair), Joan Shore (Treasurer), Annette Greenwood, Peter Hayward, Sue Brookes (Secretary) and Charlotte Eccles (Local Matters Team)
Apologies: Sheila Weightman (Chair), Cllrs Terry Follows and Dan Jellyman and PCSO Scott Woodward
There were no amendments to the minutes of 28th February 2017 Committee Meeting.
1. Correspondence
JR had received the minutes of FOSRA (Federation of Southern Residents’Associations) including a brochure outlining the major investments to be made in the City in the near future and would put this on to the website – The video showing the problems of TSRA lorries trying to cross on Barlaston Old Road could already be accessed on this site. (Note that the Facebook page reference is https://www.Trentham-South-Residents-Association/386737654685). Incidents of fly-tipping were increasing because Sidaway was now closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. JS commented that there was a charge if more than two bags of rubble were taken to Sidaway. Longton Lidl was to be relocated on the site of the old Summerfield supermarket.
2. Neighbourhood Plan/Forum
There would be a stall for this and one for the local Residents’ Associations at the Southern Fayre to be held at Hanford Park on 22nd July 2017. A general meeting about the Neighbourhood Plan will be held this coming Saturday 29th April 2017 from 10am until 12 noon at The Trentham Hotel (back room). PH said that, in order for the Neighbourhood Plan to be viable, a group of a minimum of 21 people would be needed to attend three meetings annually. About thirty people had expressed an interest by completing the form on the website – but it would be helpful if more residents in the 40/45 year-old age group showed an interest.
3. General Matters
It was decided to put the acquisition of a defibrillator on hold for the present time, as West Midland Ambulance Service had not replied and various community funds specifically excluded contributing to the cost of defibrillators. There would be no location wall on which to site this on BOR since Trentham Natwest Bank would be closing this year. SB said that residents were organising a protest letter (to be found on the bank’s premises). AG suggested that this could become Trentham’s community centre and PH said that he would enquire about making this into an asset of community value which would halt any sale. The building of the new library/community centre at Trentham High School had not yet started so would be unlikely to be completed by the start of the next school year.
JR anticipated arranging two or three litter picks annually which could be advertised on TSRA’s website/Facebook site. CE said that she could organise 20 litter grabbers on loan. JS said that it was annoying to pick up litter and then find that the situation was as bad within a few days. CE mentioned the Closer to Home Walking Group which meets at 11am every 2nd and 4th Thursday in the Trentham Carvery car park before a walk along the Trentham Canal.
4. BOR
There was antipathy to speed-humps so chicanes might be better. Once the Neighbourhood Plan comes into operation, there might be a group of volunteers willing to man speed cameras. SB had had a reply from S-o-T’s Steve Morgan who will look into the matter of making BOR a “quiet lane” although this generally applies in rural areas. PH said that BOR had been designated a “cycle lane” which would help reinforce the case that it should be created a “quiet lane”. Chris Borradiale at STW has taken speeding HGVs very seriously. One identified company has been conducting in-vehicle tracking which is having a very noticeable impact on BOR speeds. Chris is also chasing up the design team for the details of the traffic plan and he and JR are to meet on 8th May. Chris will also attend the Neighbourhood Forum meeting on 29th April. SW’s letter to Robert Flello MP about BOR and his reply can be viewed on the TSRA website.
5. A.O.B.
PCSO Scott Woodward has arranged monthly surgeries at the Church Hall on BOR.
JS will send through the annual accounts to SW to be read out at the AGM.
AG will revamp the AGM leaflet and send it through to CE who will have it printed and delivered to SW’s, ready for distribution from 12th – 16th May. PH will speak at the AGM about the Neighbourhood Forum and JR about the Canal and River Trust.
If at the AGM there are no volunteers to join the committee, then an EGM could be called to make a decision as to whether to disband the association.
Dates and times (7.00pm) of the next committee meetings have been decided although venues have not but this will remain in abeyance until after the AGM.
Meeting finished at 9.20pm.