Present: Sheila Weightman (Chair), John Redford (Vice Chair), Joan Shore (Treasurer), Peter Hayward, Lesley Gerhardt, Elaine Hughes, Cllr Dan Jellyman, Charlotte Eccles (Local Matters Team) and Matt Compton (AED Donate)
Apologies: Sue Brookes, Phil Mellor and Annette Greenwood
SW welcomed everyone and said she would be sending a Get Well card to SB. She introduced Matt Compton who, together with Arthur Emanuel, is trying to raise £2000 to site a community defibrillator in Oldacres Road. SW said that TF had paid for the one outside the church on BOR. DJ said he would be able to contribute £500 from his budget and asked MC to email details to him of the fundraising when it is nearing completion. A number of sites have been considered and permission has been granted for one to be sited on the substation in Oldacres Road. Tesco have given £40,000 for defibrillators and PH suggested that MC should write to Western Power for a contribution for this one. CE suggested that the Community Investment Fund could help and SW suggested contacting the Golf Club and the church and MC said he would. The new owners of the NatWest Bank site have offered a community room and SW suggested that could be used for a presentation. SW will forward contact details to Matt. She also said that Andrew Fishwick had offered to continue with the Web page and use could be made of this. LG said that Trentham Talking have a Facebook page and that the originator, AE, could use this. DJ said he would put details on his Facebook page as his next flyer won’t be out until the spring. MC will send posters to DJ and SW. JR asked who was responsible for the one at the church. There are instructions on the box but it would be necessary to check with TF. SW suggested MC and AE keep TSRA informed of their progress and at a future date will propose a donation from TSRA (if funds allow).
JR, CE and SW had had a meeting with Michelle Shaker concerning ways of monitoring traffic on BOR. Her responsibility is to deter speeding through Community Speedwatch. She was impressed by the yellow wheelie bins and will write to the Safer Roads Partnership about implementing the idea. It is felt that we, TSRA, have done as much as we can alone but the Safer Roads Partnership can give grants for measures, ie permanent speed signs. She feels we should work with Barlaston to share their experience. Three/four people would need to trained and it was suggested that details could be put on the Web page and ask for volunteers. Barlaston have had no problems in carrying out the monitoring – women volunteers are always accompanied by men. SW informed the group that some-one from Barlaston has agreed to come to the next meeting. MS said she could organise training and the PCSO should be involved. DJ will contact EH with names of volunteers. EH to contact MS to ask if she has a poster which could be used. LG asked DJ if he would mention the matter at other Residents’ Association meetings. SW quoted an article in the ‘I’ regarding pollution.
Public Consultation Procedure – There was concern about the road repairs outside 49 BOR. SW wrote to Highways to complain about the delay. She wrote to the Ombudsman who backed her and said she should take the Highways to court. She had a meeting with Highways who said the Department didn’t have sufficient staff to monitor all roads and during the course of the conversation it became apparent the Department weren’t really aware of the scale of the problem on Barlaston Old Road. SW said that the Residents who met with the head of Highways Department had explained to him how dragons teeth would be dangerous and subsequently the decision to install the dragons teeth was shelved. SW raised the concern that not all Residents affected by the proposal had been informed of the consultation event. PH had written to the Council expressing dissatisfaction but Mr. Brocklebank said they only need to follow process if there is a statutory requirement. Guidance has been sent to councils that if they agree to a consultation they must have one. DJ says anyone can ask for a delegated decision report. SW asks if the council will follow the guidelines as PH has asked them but had no response. DJ says he will ask the director to reply to PH. PH says when the road is repaired down to there should be a footpath. SW will write to the head of Highways saying there is another hole in the road, as he had offered to write to STWA re progress.
There was no PCSO report.
Councillors’ Report – DJ reported: the Meadow Lane appeal will begin at 10.00am at Stoke Town Hall on 12 February and is due to last four/five days. Re New Inn Lane – new proposals are being submitted for 500 homes. The objection period has expired. Prologis are not interested in allowing access and, in any case, it would have been very expensive. The Primrose Hill plan has been deferred. The CLC is being built and should be opened in March.
SW referred to a copy of the Notice of Planning Permission to the owners of Titanic Brewery from the Council regarding parking restrictions, hours of operation etc.
Neighbourhood Plan – There was nothing to report.
Canal Trust – JR referred to the recent working party along the canal which involved removing graffiti, repainting signs and replacing old planks, and thanked the volunteers. He and John from the Canal Trust want to install flower beds at the bottom of the steps; the Oldacres Road access and at the lock as part of Trentham in Bloom. He also suggested signs referring to TRSA and C&RT. SW suggested marking the boxes with Smartwater, with the name of the village, in case they are stolen. PH suggested clearing the offside at Bridge 105. JR will speak to John about this. SW thinks Persimmon own the land and may help. JR says C&RT will clean out the lock-keepers’ cottage. JR has identified 23 possible sites for ‘pooh signs’. He will be attending a walk on 12 December to see where dog fouling signs could be erected. SW to investigate provision of signs for other areas with DJ.
Trentham in Bloom – Central and Hanford Residents’ Associations want to do something as a group. Some beds are not maintained and have been damaged. Suggested we get together with them as we can apply for funding for bulbs etc. together. JR to attend 5 December meeting.
SW suggests if we are doing work on the canal that we put together articles for AF to put on Facebook. JR to do this. LG said she could put it on Trentham Talking. PH suggested a sign indicating our future plans and SW asked him to take this on.
Waste Recycling – SW has had an email from Matthew Rowe who wants to attend the next meeting. She suggests he attends the AGM.
Treasurer’s Report – There is £461.82 in the bank including £100 received from the Council.
AOB – SW has attended a Food Hygiene Course and received a certificate. Re Liv Garfield – SW to speak to PH to send to SW details of the TSRA successful protest against Severn Trent’s platinum award to consider challenging Liv Garfield’s recent award and report to next meeting. Next meetings – 4 February; 1 April; May/June AGM; 1 July; 2 September; 4 November.