The guest speaker Michelle Green from the Council’s Anti-social Behaviour Unit informed us of a recent reorganisation and the officer assigned to Trentham South is now Michelle Heath. When the Anti-social Behaviour Unit receive a complaint, they investigate and issue a warning letter. A letter again can happen on a second repeat occasion but after the third complaint, they make a visit and in some case may issue an injunction. She clarified “noise nuisance” as being “unreasonable” and occurring between 11.00pm and 7.00am. Excessive machinery noise is an Environment Health matter but loud music, frequent and loud noise from domestic machines, and continued shouting is the concern of the anti-social behaviour unit. The local police have an ASB car which can patrol when complaints are made. She stressed the importance of complaining if her unit is to act and said that the ASB officers liaise regularly with the police about any repeated incidents. Residents can ring and register a complaint with the local council; they can fill in a form on the anti-social behaviour page on the website, or they can ring the police on 101. The gates to Hem Heath woods were now open only between 8am and 9pm in summer and 8am and 5pm in winter to prevent youngsters from congregating there and lighting fires in the evening.
POLICE REPORT Further to the deliberate fence damage near Haversham House, local officers will be increasing their patrols here and also along the canal. They are liaising with the Anti-Social Behaviour Department to look at crime prevention strategies.
BUDGET PROPOSALS 2022 – cuts in the Community Development Department reducing the two co-ordinators to one and the six officers reduced to four. The amount of support for Residents’ Associations would also be reduced and the new community development officers would be able to attend only the AGM and perhaps one another RA meeting annually. Residents could register their comments about these changes on the website under Budget 2022 – The Chair will write in support of the current arrangement.
An AGM for Trentham Central RA has been agreed for March 2022. A meeting to discuss the use of the Trentham Learning Centre (located in the grounds of the Trentham Academy) has taken place without representatives from the library Volunteers or the local Residents’ Associations, contrary to the original management agreement.
BARLASTON OLD ROAD/STW Cllr Jellyman – The pre-works on BOR are continuing and the road is scheduled to be retarmacked once the cold weather has finished. Cllr.Jellyman has passed on the Residents’ request that the Woodland Trust take responsibility for the upkeep of the Persimmon Homes green sites on the estate on to Jack Brereton MP . The Secretary to contact Cllr.Jellyman with concern that the BOR pot holes are filled in as a matter of urgency.
FUTURE EXPANSION OF THE STRONGFORD SITE -Contact to be made to members of the Council’s Planning Committee reminding them of their previous commitment to grant any future planning application by Severn Trent only conditional on the building of Severn Trent’s own access road to the A34. The letter to include details of the number of traffic journeys to and from the Strongford site. Richard Rae to obtain these details.
IDENTIFICATION OF FOOTPATHS – Paul Pearce of Stoke CC will attend a future TSRA meeting when Covid risks are averted.
OLDACRES ROAD DEFIBRILLATOR – Arthur Emanuel will organise a summer event to raise funds for replacement pads (£59) and battery (£300)
TRENTHAM WOMBLERS – The next litter pick would take place on Saturday 29th January and the group would leave Toby Carvery at 10.30 am An Easter egg hunt is planned for April.
CANAL RIVER TRUST – The Canal River Trust (CRT)has supplied bulbs for the planters. The towpath had been resurfaced. CRT have decided against signage on the towpath designed to advise cyclists to be considerate. Trentham Locks has been restored with an attractive oak beam. Kevin Hawkins to chase the installation of a third dog litter bin. CRT would pay for the bin but the Council to install it. Agreement has been made between the TSRA and the CRT to plant thirty crab trees along the towpath in celebration of the Queen’s Jubilee. The event will be publicised on this facebook page for Residents to participate.
Training days for SPEEDWATCH volunteers are 5th – 7th March.
“LEVELLING UP” – Stoke CC had submitted four bids to the government. The fourth bid concerns improvements to the bus network and the Department of Transport will be funding this. Otherwise £59 million is being put in by the government to fund the three other packages; the first being the Goods Yard around the station, the second being the city centre regeneration and the third concentrating on the heritage and cultural development of Stoke, Longton and Tunstall. Details are on the Stoke website under Levelling up Funding Bids. These packages will take twenty-five years to be completed.
TREASURER’S REPORT – £164.36 (Defib); £336 Neighbourhood Plan; £359.22
TSRA DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING – Wed. March 16th, at 6:30pm. Venue TCLC.