held on Tuesday July 30th 2024 at 7.00pm

Present: Sheila Weightman (Chair), Sue Brookes (Secretary), Joan Shore (Treasurer), Elaine Browne, David Grice, Arthur Emanuel, Cllr Maxine Clark and PCSO Scott Woodward

Apologies: Margaret and Harry Gough, Rebecca Morris, Cllrs Dan Jellyman and Rachel Kelsall

Matters Arising from 8th May 2024 Meeting These are covered in Chair’s Report

Chair’s Report

As per the minutes of the May meeting, SW had contacted Jack Brereton MP on three issues. Regarding the weight restriction on Meaford Road in Barlaston, Stafford BC was satisfied with the current signage and did not think that this would cause traffic on BOR to increase, so central government Highways Department needed contacting. As for the proposed Marina Development on the Wedgwood estate, despite a proposal for heavy vehicles to use a weak bridge (with a 7.5 tonne weight limit) to access the site and despite a further increase in traffic on BOR, the planning application had been approved. Signage at the Meaford industrial estate advises that heavy vehicles should not use Meaford Road but instead use Tittensor Road (which is not fit for purpose) so it is likely that such vehicles would travel along the A34 and then on to Longton Road before accessing Barlaston Old Road.

Concerning the matter of sexual assignations taking place on the A34 lay-by, JB had contacted Staffordshire Highways Department, the owner of the site, to arrange for trees and bushes to be cut back to remove any hiding places.This would not occur until the end of the nesting season. SW asked SB to contact the new Stoke South MP, Allison Gardner on [email protected] to outline the problems and ask for her help.

SW said that STW had promised a contribution of £1000 towards the funding of a £2500/£3500 electronic speeding sign to be erected near the Burrington Drive junction. As the main fundraising focus was on a further defibrillator and it was thought that residents would not be happy to make other contributions, it was decided that SW should write to STW to ask them to raise their offer!

SW had organised a plaque in memory of Rita Baines (paid for by the Soroptimists) to be erected on “Rita Baines Lane” outside Lakeview Nursing Home at 3pm on Sunday 15th September, when SW, JS, DG, EB, AE and Cllr MC would attend with representatives of Rita Baines’ family, Lakeview and the Soroptomists being invited. SB would also invite Stoke South MP.

Councillors’ Report

MC said that whatever the RA raised for an electronic speeding sign, they might well contribute a further £1,000. DG said that there was still confusion as to who owned “Rita Baines Lane”, whether Stoke CC or Persimmon Homes but it needed maintaining. MC said that she would pursue this and inform SB. She also brought in information from VAST who would now be responsible for Residents’ Associations and would do our audit and supervise our AGM

Police Report
SWo said that no Speedwatch volunteers had contacted him but there had been some interest shown at Trentham Central RA’s recent AGM. Training would take about two hours and would be held at Longton Fire Station. He said that his meeting places in Trentham where the public could consult him were at the Church Hall on BOR or at Trentham Library. He said that there had been some incidents with youngsters on the Lea with attempted break-ins and attempts at cycle thefts.

Canal River Trust
The Canal Traders had not contacted TSRA about their recent event on 1st and 2nd June but SB had discovered this on their website. She had told John Redford to pass on her email address so that the traders could inform her well in advance of their local events, so that the same problem did not arise in the future. Beth Daveed of the CRT was keeping the tow paths tidy. Some planters needed tidying up with new shrubs and compost. SW said that the path by Jonathon Road was overgrown. and that the steps down from Longton Road to the canal were loose and the responsibility of the Council so SB would write to Cllr MC about the latter problem.


RM had asked for help in organising litter picks and requested that any volunteers contacted her on [email protected]

JS said that AED would fit the pads for the Oldacres defibrillator. AE would need to buy some GT85 spray to stop the buttons sticking. He said that he would organise a fundraising activity for 2025.

Trentham Library has its own bank account so does not need to avail itself of ours.
A cottage on Danebower Road has a wall of honeysuckle overhanging on to Longton Road near the canal bridge.
SW will arrange a meeting at BOR from 7pm on Tuesday 6th August to discuss the agenda for the Rita Baines’ event on 15th September and arrange for a Sentinel photographer/reporter to attend the plaque installation. She will invite representatives from Lakeview Nursing Home and the Soroptimists.
EB said that there were overhanging branches along BOR and Longton Road so SB said that she would contact Trentham Golf Club management. (Done)
Treasurer’s Report £443.29 (Oldacres Road Defib) £932.28 (New Defib) £280.62 (Rita Baines Lane) £267.72(TSRA) Total £1923.91
Date of next meeting Suggested date for AGM Wednesday 23rd October 2024 from 7.00pm in the Church Hall on BOR (Confirmed)

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